And so, it begins–

I have been wroking behind the scenes for a while now, sorting out just how I’ll express the content of this site. It has felt like such a huge step, getting the site live, that I wanted everything to be perfect.


Which mean, naturally, I drug my heels. And drug my heels. And really dug in and hesitated some more.


Until finally, I woke up in Tokyo one morning and it just felt like…Time. You know that feeling? When all of a sudden, the things you’ve been putting off snap into a specific alignment and you stretch your arms as you get out of bed, yawn, and tell yourself: today is the day.


Well, let’s be honest. That was two days ago. But then life did what it always does and crammed itself in between me and my resolve to do that thing that needed doing today because it was TIME.


So, now, today. It really is time. And I am going to stuff all of my fears behind me, put both feet on the ledge, and just jump. I am certain that there will be things I didn’t anticipate. Mistakes that, once made, seem obvious in retrospect (doesn’t everything?). I am certain I will flounder and falter and spell things wrong even though spell-check is on. I will have awkward posts that have links to nowhere and posts that show up on the wrong page headliner and photos that don’t load so instead you get that weird {IMAGE DID NOT LOAD MSG Q4410J} or what have you. You know what I mean, that splashscreen that the programmers decided should load into the background when an image fails? The one that makes it impossible to get anything done on the site at all?

Yeah, that kind of stuff. It’ll happen. No doubt.


How can I be so sure?
Because, we all fuck it up. We try our best, miss the mark, get up and try again. We all think we’ve got all the ducks in a neat little row, and then just as we’re setting out, one crops up out of the shrubby undergrowth and trips the whole deal up. It’ll happen, and when it does, I’ll apologize for the inconvenience. And, like adults, we’ll all move along.


So. Without further ado. This is my new playground. Have a look around. If you run into black holes or obstructing error messages or links to nowhere or (gasp) links that aren’t even links yet :


I’m sorry. I apologize for the inconvenience. Know that I am both deeply embarrassed.

But, I am doing my best. Or, as they say here in Tokyo: 頑張ります!


Now, onward into the world of fiction, being an artist in the modern world, traveling the world, and making the best of the one life we’ve got.

Cheers and カンパイ!

<3 RR (零)

One thought on “And so, it begins–”

  1. It’s alive! Do you feel like the famous Dr Frankenstein? Congrats, and good luck, I’ll say a prayer for your website. Good webbing!
    Love, Dad

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