All posts by Rei Rosenquist

I am a queer agender (they/them) speculative fiction writer, barista, baker, bassist, and a semi-nomadic storyteller. I speak Japanese conversationally and German with a childhood fluency that oft eludes me. I am also an idealist to a fault and big dreamer. I think homo sapien sapiens have got some issues to figure out, but I also wholly believe in our capacity to be awesome problem solvers. So, here's to an incredibly unknowable future. <3

In the time between

It’s time for a little bit of frank honesty.

The past several years have been hard. Emotionally, financially, socially, and career-path-wise. It’s been storm after storm, but I’m proud to say that I’m still here, weathering it all with something like a grin.

The last post I made was back in 2019 before the world effectively fell to pieces. It feels like ages ago since I was on the cusp of making a splash in the CON world.

Then, things went south. Or rather, they dropped off a cliff. My one regular gig fell through when Heart’s Kiss stopped publishing. All the Cons got cancelled. I lost direction and focus. And for a while, I just sort of sat on my creative hands because I really couldn’t think what else to do.

At the same time, I’d started rescuing and rehabilitating small parrots, and that really took a driving seat in my world. It’s been a work in progress learning to balance both directions of my passion, but in 2020, I decided that it was time to take on a diferent pace.

With what is now 30 small parrots, I’m far less mobile. And, after things hit a running wall in the traditional publishing world, I decided to switch focuses for a while and flesh out my own publishing company.

Weathered Ocean Feathered Sky Press has been quietly publishing my short fiction for going on two years now, and I’ve learned a lot along the way. Covers, back cover copy, pricing, formatting, genre-appropriate fonts…the list goes on! Currently, it’s a one person operation with the guidance of a few really wonderful other professionals, but I’m hopeful that one day, we’ll be able to expand and begin publishing collections, anthologies, and new authors. So, stay tuned.

And, in the meantime, things continue to progress. Quietly at times, but steady. A trickle at a time to, one day, fill the ocean.

World Con Dublin 2019 Panel schedule!

My first time ever on a panel at a convention, and they put me on FIVE! I couldn’t be more excited and pleased. The panel choice is excellent, and I am truly honored to be paneling with all of the following amazing fellow writers and professionals.

In addition to the following panels, I will also have a display up in the art displays room (not sure where that is yet!) titled Wheels of Magic. It’s an exploration of what magic in our stories might look if it manifested itself in our world. Check it out if you have time!

All in all, it’s going to be one sick-ass World Con. If you’re there, find me and we’ll kick it! <3

Cooking the books: food in fantasy
15 Aug, Thursday 15:00 – 15:50, Wicklow Room-1 (CCD)
Hobbits had their second breakfast and elves had their lembas. Fantasy books are full of great scenes of food, whether it’s elaborate feasts or people desperate to survive foraging for what they can get. How have authors used food to enhance the realities of their fantasy worlds? What does the scarcity or abundance of food tell us about fantasy societies? The panel will discuss their favourite fantasy feasts and how food has been used as a worldbuilding tool in fantasy novels.
Moderated by: Fran Wilde
Ms. Nicole Kimberling (Blind Eye Books), Rei Rosenquist, Gillian Polack, Giovanni De Feo

Gender and sexuality in YA
17 Aug, Saturday 10:00 – 10:50, ECOCEM Room (CCD)
Young adulthood is a formative time in many ways, but especially when it comes to gender and sexuality. Both topics have been increasing in interest and importance in YA books. How do our books reflect explorations of identity? Why is it important that they do so? Has this changed over time? And how can we approach these topics respectfully – and with an eye on intersectionality?
Moderated by: Sam Bradbury (Hodder & Stoughton)
Diana M. Pho (Tor Books), Victoria “V.E.” Schwab (Tor Books, Titan, HarperCollins, Scholastic), Rei Rosenquist, Rachel Hartman

Beyond binary
17 Aug, Saturday 14:00 – 14:50, Wicklow Room-1 (CCD)
This panel seeks to explore the concept of gender in SFF. In particular, it will focus on societies in literature and other media that do not follow binary definitions of gender. What examples already exist and are they presented favourably? What are some good and bad examples? Do the panellists have ideas for how they would write a non-binary society?
Moderated by: Lex Beckett
Alex Acks, Sarah Groenewegen, Rei Rosenquist

Polyamory in theory and practice
18 Aug, Sunday 12:00 – 12:50, Wicklow Room-3 (CCD)
Resources abound for how to get started in opening up your relationship, but how do you make polyamory work in the real world? What do you do when your relationship styles seem to clash with those of your partners? How can you set effective boundaries with metamours? In this panel, we’ll tackle some of the harder questions that come up when theory meets practice.
Moderated byL Kris “Nchanter” Snyder
Ian Paul Power, Mary Anne Mohanraj (Speculative Literature Foundation / University of Illinois at Chicago), Rei Rosenquist

You’re bard: drinking songs in genre fiction
18 Aug, Sunday 19:00 – 19:50, Liffey Room-2 (CCD)
Fantasy is awash with taverns, ale, and hard-drinking dwarves, which often leads to a rousing drinking song. Raise your glass as our panellists discuss the best drinking songs in fantasy and what makes for a convincing drinking song – and may even break into song themselves!
Moderated by: R.W.W. Greene (New Hampshire Writers’ Project)
Anne Coleman, Rei Rosenquist, Claudia Rapp PhD

Summer is for love

The long-awaited Summer Sizzles Anthology from Fiction River is finally here!

I’m so excited to share “Come Summer, Come Winter, I’ll Come for You” with you all. This is a queer romantic suspense set in Japan, written during my winter hiatus in Northern Japan where I spent an entire week without English.

Check out this anthology! It’s full of so many other great stories by amazing authors, including Sabrina Chase’s “Need to Know” and Lisa Silverthorne’s “Safe Like Cedar.”

Click the cover image to go to the anthology webpage.

Wait, did you say science-fiction and fantasy!?

That’s right!

I am so happy to announce my very first science-fiction novelette released today! This lovely piece will be finding its way into an anthology, too, so keep your eyes peeled for that amazing book soon! But, you can get a sneak peek at at least one story in that amazing collection of portal fantasies when you sink your teeth into:

Along These Lines!

The story of Kyoto-born Koko and zer only living friend Shacho. The tale begins on a train, travels through a gateway, and takes you to a whole new world! Climb aboard and get ready for some inter-dimensional wildness.

And a huge, huge thanks to Alexandra Brandt for her amazing, stunning cover. And another overwhelmingly huge thanks to Jamie Ferguson for all her help getting this manuscript just right.


Updates and new stories!

Readers and friends!

I am excited to announce the recent publication of three new stories! One is a stand-alone science-fiction short called Friends that starts out hard and dark, but brings you to a place of hope.

The other two can both be found in the August and October 2018 publication of Heart’s Kiss Magazine! Running from Love, Already Lost is a contemporary story of the struggle for love in the aftermath of childhood abuse. Love Finds a Way is a second-world fantasy exploring what it means to be queer in a rigidly organized small community, and what the freedom of love can do for us.

Remember back when I said in my blog that I was committed to writing only love stories? That love stories were the heart of reality? When I asked myself why I would ever work on anything else, and the answer I gave was that I wouldn’t?

Well, that seems to have been some wacky prophetic vision, because love is all I seem to be writing about these days. Love, community–Oh and trying to save the world together.

We need it, methinks.

We need it bad.


Music Collab!

My friend, Little Red Spirit, has just finished the music project: This Faded Butterfly

This project features words from my blog Ashes Zero as the lyrics!

This project could not have come at a better time, for me personally. Little Red Spirit reached out to me just as I was floundering around a town that has, after 6 years, begun to show the signs that it’s time for this itinerant heart to leave.

The project finishes just as I am packing things to move again, putting my basses in storage and asking myself that awful question: Am I giving up on music?

This album reminds me that the answer is, and will always be “I am not giving up.”

My first collaboration, this, and an amazing job Little Red Spirit has done. I am honored to be the words backing this incredible music. What a talented artist! I am so fortunate to be ever surrounded by amazing people showing me that art really does change the shape of our hearts.


My first interview!

This is one of those days I wake up, pour a cup of coffee, log in to my computer,  take a deep breath and think:

I’m actually a real writer. I’m not just that quiet kid in the back of  writing class trying to get my teacher’s attention with poetry anymore. I’m not just posting anonymous fan fiction of The Matrix to unknown message boards under fake names anymore. At some point in the journey of growing up, I somehow got my act together enough to stand among the greats of this craft and offer my story to the world.

Wow. This is such a milestone. A lookout I thought I’d never make it to. A road I thought I’d fall from long ago. A dream I was sure to wake from.

Yet, here I am.  And I’m so happy to share it with you.

Today, my dear friends and readers, I’ve been interviewed for the first time ever by the delightful Blackbird Publishing! I hope you find the words and thoughts I have been given the chance to share meaningful and interesting.

A huge thank you to Jamie Ferguson for this amazing opportunity! It has been a pleasure coming up with responses to your very thoughtful questions.

Please, follow the link through to Blackbird Publishing to check the interview out. And then, maybe check out the anthology too! 😉

Happy reading!

<3 RR

Much was Accomplished.

Finally, the wait is over!

You were waiting, right? Right?

Okay. Maybe I was the one waiting for this to come through. Which is really to say: I was waiting on slacker, behind old me to get all the necessary stuffs submitted in order for this to be completed.

So, more accurately: I finally got my act together and finished this!

Anyway. What’s all this fuss about?

Ebooks! Or is it eBooks? EBooks?


The newest four eBooks, sealed and delivered from me to you. Published by the beautiful Tangled Sky Press. A huge thanks to Alexandra Brandt for all the work on these amazing cover designs. I mean, these are seriously epic.

Please go to the links at the top of the home page to view these beauties, follow the image link to the universal link page, select your desired format, download the stories, read and enjoy!

Or, you know, don’t. But know that should you find yourself bored, in need of a distraction, or just arbitrarily change your mind — at any time, you can.

Be peace, my fellows and friends.


Back Home

After a long road, three months that felt more like three years in a good way, I am back to the slower and chiller island life. I’ve taken a break from both research and barista work to really focus on getting some serious writerly things done.

Among those things are getting some eBooks formatted and on the market, preparing to attend a really important workshop with the Writers of the Coast in Oregon, and honing my professional relationships and habits.

Focus. That’s the key these next few months. Getting back into patterns. Establishing the things I need and want to accomplish over the next year.

Also, getting physically in shape. Biking and swimming, running possibly, hopefully muay thai kickboxing. And a good healthy dose of veg after all that sugar and junk in Japan and Korea. (Seriously, your awesome bakeries! Just stop. Because I can’t!)

I’m hoping, even, to get back on a blogging schedule. It’s been years since I had some regularity. But it’s kind of part of the overall scheme to take myself a little more seriously every year. So, here we go.

In silly personal news, I finally was able to master the hula hoop. And by “master” I mean “accomplish”. It was a big moment, not in that the hula hoop is very important. But rather, in this sense.

I stood there with my failed attempts and kept repeating to myself: “I just don’t get it. What am I doing wrong? I don’t understand.”

Then, it clicked. That mentality, right there, was the problem. So, I stopped telling myself I couldn’t understand, picked up the hula hoop, said, “Rei. You know what the problem is. You know how this works. It’s simple. Speed and timing and the right kind of motion. You got this. Now, go!”

And there it went. Round and round and round, until I chose to stop. And it felt good. Because I hadn’t just swung a silly plastic hoop around my waist. But I’d learned that if I stop putting myself down — I can do things. Just about anything, I bet.

And that, my friends, is 2017 in my eyes.

Time for flight. Time to try.

Time to stop telling ourselves we can’t.

Because we can.

I know it now.

So, grab your symbolic hula hoops, my good old friends, pick your chin up, and go!

<3 RR


Today, I walked for the first time alone in Busan. And I remembered how foolish I feel when I have no words. And I recalled how strange it is to see people preparing to go off to war. And I experienced a mixture of strange stares and unimaginable patience.

This note was several days ago. In the midst of just getting my feet wet and just remembering how to say the simplest of phrases, I am now preparing to jet set off to Vietnam for less days than I’ll know what to do with, then back for a brief moment. Maybe by then, Busan will feel familiar. Wouldn’t that be a breath of fresh air.

Tokyo, you wait for me. You and your words and your culture that I comprehend. You and your kanji that I can read and your trains I know by memory. You and your beauty.

I will leave you, too, soon. And I am so sad.

I cannot believe it is less than two weeks.

But I will be in Hawaii, the tropical bastian of my birth and the beginning of my dreams and the spark of my world.

I am a mixture of excitement and sorrrow. As always.